Magic Mushroom
machine learning - interaction design
A responsive table lamp whose colour changes based on voice prompts using GPT-3.
Project Teammates: Rama Deshpande, Yiqing Zhou, Mike Grieder
Classroom project completed for the elective Physicalities of Machine Learning @ Parsons
Duration: 2 weeks (Oct 2022)

Steps taken:
1. Brainstorming and Sketching
2. Coding using the Neopixel Library and Testing
3. Making the lamp structure using Mycelium
4. Attaching the LED strip to the shade
5. Assembling the various components together
How it works:
1. Press a button to begin voice recording. 
2. Say any word. This can be a feeling, a season or the name of a character (eg autumn, sorrow, Shrek, etc)
3. A microphone attached to the Raspberry Pi records the voice and uses a Python script to convert speech to text.
4. The same script uses GPT-3's Mood to Color AI model to fetch the corresponding colour of the voice command.
5. The values are converted fro Hex to RGB and used to light up the LED strip.

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